Cfosspeed 9.0 Final Build 2020
Cfosspeed 9.0 Final Build 2020 - Free Download : Nah sobat bagi yang udah nunggu update-an dari cfosspeed kali ini cfosspeed telah merilis versi terbarunya yaitu Cfosspeed 9.0 Final Build 2020 dan ini merupakan versi final dari cfosspeed setelah sebelumnya mengeluarkan versi final 8.02
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cFosSpeed 9.00 build 2020
* Re-vamped dialogs. They are now easier to use, faster and in the new
Window 8 style.
As part of the dialog re-vamp we changed the Traffic Analysis dialogs
so it is easier to use and consistent with the prioritization dialogs.
Instead of adding protocols/programs to slots, you now assign groups
as they appear in the prioritization dialogs. If you like to also
add individual programs or protocols, you can do so with spd commands.
* Added new filters -tx-lite, -rx-lite and -lite. The idea is to detect
"lite data streams", i.e. streams of data that are low volume and not bulk
data in nature.
+ Added "spd slot X get/set/add categories CAT1:CAT2:..." command. This will
set the slot X programs and protocols to all programs/protocols that are in
one the listed categories. A category is the text before the frist "," in
settings.ini/user.ini. Example: the line "gw2.exe=Games,Guild Wars 2" in
section [highprogs] puts the program "gw2.exe" in the category "Games".
+ Added "spd slot show" command to show all settings for all slots.
+ Added nettalk_tx, nettalk_rx and nettalk_max modes for slots.
+ Fixed a bug in the adapter info display.
+ If setup crashes, it can now send us a dump of the crash to help us fix
the problem.
+ Made the prioritization buttons in the current connections dialog
more responsive.
+ Added support to set priority if program name is "unknown" or "routed".
+ Link to features.htm on desktop is no longer created for prereleases.
Thanks to Sublogics and Contor for the idea.
+ Added "spd prioritize pair <program> <protocol> <class>" command to set
temporary prios for the program/protocol pair. The new Standard Current
Connections dialog now uses this command.
+ cFosSpeed setup will pop up a warning box if programs are running which are
known to cause (at least sometimes) problems when installing/deinstalling.
We recommend you close these programs before continuing the setup.
+ Added percentage display for resent packets in "spd netstat".
+ New current connections dialog.
+ Sending of usage reports added.
+ Added Unknown_Bulk l7-protocol with default priority.
+ Improved bulk detection; it should be more stable now. Please report if
there is unexpected behaviour.
+ Added -bulk, -tx-bulk, -rx-bulk filter expressions. They are true if any
direction, resp. direction rx, resp. direction tx is in bulk mode. Only
TCP connections can be in bulk mode, not UDP.
+ Improved HTTP Layer 7 detection. Now cFosSpeed also checks re-used
HTTP connections for streaming. This way especially Youtube videos
should be detected more reliably.
+ Added global variable min_hops. Usually, cFosSpeed will start with TTL 2
or 3 for ping timings and increase the TTL until a decent destination is
found. The min_hops setting can be used to force cFosSpeed to use a higher
minimum TTL. Thanks to Kullorki for inspiration.
+ Added a messagebox that is opened if cFosSpeed driver was not loaded.
This could happen when you upgrade your system from Windows 7 to Windows 8.
You need to reinstall cFosSpeed on Windows 8 to fix that.
x More trace output when the driver would not install.
x Added prioritization of program/protocol pair to Advanced Current
Connections dialog.
x Temporary prioritizations are now deleted when the Internet connection is
terminated or the machine is rebooted.
x Fixed a locking problem with multiple ports.
x Changed minimum speeds for bulk data detection to 30 kb/s rx and 6 kb/s tx.
Thanks to Michael32 for the hint.
x Temporary prioritizations will now affect newly created connects as well.
They are deleted if you manually override them or when the machine is
x When prioritizing a connection to lowest, it vanished from the list. Fixed.
x Fixed bug in checking of product news.
x Fixed a problem with Youtube bulk-sending with BSTREAM protocol (which is
set to "default" priority). The connection would be classified as "low".
In our protocol and program logic "default" means "fall-through" and then
the last -bulk rule changes the class to low. In general, this is intended,
but not with BSTREAM, so we excluded it from the -bulk rule. Thanks to
Ukjent for his report.
x Fixed bad ping values in "spd ts" display.
x Added a fix to avoid kernel stack exhaustion. Thanks to tonyhsie for report
and testing.
x Fixes in Setup to improve handling of rare update-installation issue:
On update install, Windows might report the need to reboot after removal of
the old cFosSpeed devices, before you can install them again. Setup now
honours this.
x Fixed bug where update install requires system reboot between uninstall and
x Fixed printing of who opened our devices.
x Installer now keeps "Program Files" folder read-only as Microsoft requests.
x Fixed several crashes. Thanks to Burkhard Menzler and others for dump files.
x Some fixes to comply with Win8 logo tests.
x Fixed problems in current connections dialog with filename that contain
x Fixed a Windows 8 bluescreen with DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION (0x133). Thanks to
kittler2 for the dump files.
x Deinstallation will now work gracefully if driver was not installed, but
service was still installed.
- The Current Connections dialogs (old and new) now have the same application
ID as the options dialogs. Only one of them can be used at the same time.
This prevents overwriting prioritization settings from one dialog with
another when both dialogs would be open simultaneously.
- Switched to new compiler.
- Re-arranged context menu a bit. Removed the "Effects" menu. cFosSpeed now
always uses fade-in and slide animations. Also moved "Always on Top",
"Auto-Open", "Click Through" options to the "Window Settings" menu and made
them global for all windows.
- Unknown, Unknown_Bulk, Teredo and Teredo_Bulk l7-protocols all have default
priority. We recommend not to assign a different priority, because with
default priority the program prioritization will take care of it. And if
there is not entry for the program the final bulk rule will classify bulk
data as "low" and non-bulk as "default".
- Changes in column sorting in console dialog.
cFosSpeed 8.02 build 1972 -- 02-Jul-2012
+ Added expand_rwin variables to output of "spd tcb".
+ The WMI provider in cFosSpeed now also supports GetObject/GetObjectAsync,
so more flexible WMI scripts are possible.
x Fixed a bug in RWIN expansion. This bug caused prevented connections to
certain servers. Thanks to Marcus Rüppel for his help.
This could improve download speed with some servers as well.
x It could have happened that class delays were still set after rx-shaping was
switched off (you could see that with "spd classes"). That would have
resulted in unnecessary delays. Fixed.
x If the un/update-installation fails because the service could not be
deinstalled, the installed will now return a proper error message asking you
to reboot and try again.
x Fixed a problem where an update install would sometimes fail, because
spd.exe could not be deleted.
x Improved error handling if cFosSpeed service could not be deleted on update
x Hopefully fixed a crash. Thanks to Bartosz Polański for dump files.
x Small fix for RWIN expansion and added more debug output. Thanks to
Marcus Rüppel.
- If you had several IPs set for your network card, cFosSpeed would have used
them in unspecific order, depending on the ARP requests sent. Now cFosSpeed
should always use the primary IP.
cFosSpeed 8.00 build 1946 -- 07-May-2012
! cFosSpeed will now automatically expand Windows' TCP RWIN as needed!
With our new "Automatic RWIN expansion" cFosSpeed will expand the RWIN (and
the matching window scaling) to a value that allows a download with full
speed and a delay of 100 msec.
This makes system-wide settings of "GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize" or
"TcpWindowSize" (under XP) superfluous and will keep your downloads fast even
if Windows 7 "auto-tuning" feature doesn't work for you.
As an added goodie it will provide fast download even for programs that
can not achieve full download speed because they provide too small buffers to
the Windows TCP/IP interface, like Cygwin SCP.
You can change the maximum delay (i.e. TCP round trip time), but that affects
memory consumption: cFosSpeed needs (delay in seconds) * (downloadspeed in
bytes/sec) bytes, i.e. for a DSL line with 25 mbits/s (about 3000 kbytes/s)
the memory requirement is 0.1 sec * 3000000 bytes/sec = 300 kbytes. To
change this time use the "spd gset expand_rwin_dest_time <time-in-msec>"
* Added WMI support. cFosSpeed creates a WMI class 'cfosspeed_perf_data'
in the namespace \root\cfos which has all known skin variables as
properties (see for details).
This allows WMI utilities to display the same information as in the
cFosSpeed status window. There is a little demo of how to access the
cFosSpeed WMI data: wmi_demo.hta in the cFosSpeed dialog folder.
* To help cFosSpeed work with mobile connections it now dynamically tries ping
TTL values until someone answers, max with TTL 24. This should help some
users, where the first 10 or so hops would not answer.
+ Skin section now have an optional parameter 'print_allowed'. You can set
it to 0 to disable this section when not rendered as normal window on
+ Added Slovenian language. That makes a total of 33 languages supported.
Even more languages are downloadable from our web site, here:
+ cFosSpeed now checks every 2 days for program news. If there are any,
it displays the mail symbol in the status window and opens a url when
clicked. This feature is on by default. If you are not interested in
program news, you can turn it off in the context menu under "Options".
x Fixed a bug with negation of -s-iplist, -d-iplist, -r-iplist, -l-iplist
rules. Thanks to Oliver Niebur for the report.
x Added work-around for a Windows XP bug which prevented opening of web
x Fixed a bug in the XL skins, where Mbytes per seconds were not displayed
correctly. Thanks to Cody.
x cFosSpeed now installs on Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Thanks for all
x Fixed a bug which prevented connections to be displayed by the keyboard
LED script. Thanks to yashpalshah for the report.
x On some machines spd.exe consumed a lot of CPU power and accessed the
registry heavily. Fixed. Thanks to Empyter.
x On some machines the status window is not always displayed after sleep.
x The on-the-fly prioritization dialog did not allow you to permanently
prioritise programs, which weren't already permanently prioritised.
- Integrated keyboard LED support into cFosSpeed.exe. It no longer uses
the scripting host.
- Program news will not be displayed immediately after first installation.
- Changed COM initialisation.
- Improved setupapi log file support.
- Added memory debugging.
- OEM versions no longer notify the user about updates.
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