
Ballad of Solar

Ballad of Solar ini merupakan sebuah game yang menceritakan tentang perjalanan seorang pangeran yang bernama solar.
Dalam perjalanan itu dia dihadapi dengan banyak rintangan.

Dibutuhkan strategi dan pikiran yang cukup juga temen-temen, karena makin lama makin banyak rintangan yang membuat kita bingung apa yang harus kita perbuat terlebih dahulu agar cepat selesai menyelesaikan permainan.
Tertarik? langsung sajaaa,,,..


Guide Solar and his band of helpers as they set out to stop the dark sorcerer Groan from achieving eternal life and to rescue the fair Lumina. Ballad of Solar is a colorful, challenging and utterly unforgettable adventure for all ages!

In a land of enchantment, torn by evil, a hero arrives to save the day! His name is Solar, and he brings courage, bravery, and skill with a sword. No orc can stop him, no troll can trip him up, and no goblin can gobble him for dinner! Guide Solar and his band of helpers as they set out to stop the dark sorcerer Groan from achieving eternal life and to rescue the fair Lumina. As you go, you'll put your time and resource management skills to work rebuilding towns, completing quests for friends you make along the way, and stopping the enemy from striking. Told with a laugh and a wink, Ballad of Solar is a colorful, challenging and utterly unforgettable adventure for all ages!


Harus Diketik

Tested by me - Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit Worked
Posted by Admin Rizka 
