PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.2.1 Final Full Patch
PictureCode Photo Ninja adalah sebuah Converter gambar RAW ke format yang paling populer, bisa untuk menyimpan kualitas gambar saat mengkonversi. Program ini bekerja sangat cepat dan bisa di gunakan untuk mengedit gambar sebelum mengkonversi, kemampuan Photo Ninja bahkan sudah menyamai program terkenal seperti: Photo Mechanic, Lightroom, dan Aperture. Meskipun aplikasi ini dioptimalkan untuk bekerja dengan gambar RAW, tetapi Photo Ninja juga dapat bekerja dengan JPEG dan TIFF.
• Adaptive lighting
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3. Copy Patch ke direktori instalasi programnya
4. Run Patch (run as administrator) > Click Patch
5. Enjoy
• Adaptive lighting
Photo Ninja's intelligent illumination control can lighten shadows, overcome backlighting, and tame excessive contrast, with a natural, artifact-free result.• Detail enhancement
Our one-of-a-kind local contrast adjustment makes detail "pop" without halo artifacts. It also works in reverse for a nice smoothing effect.• Highlight recovery
World-class technology can salvage many overexposed images, with convincing recovery of blown-out highlight regions.• Noise Ninja® 3.0
The gold standard for noise reduction lives on in Photo Ninja. Noise Ninja 3.0 is our best noise reduction technology yet.• Color enhancement
Improve skin tones, enhance foliage, deepen the sky, and create your own color "looks" with hue-selective color enhancements.• Black and white processing
Create monochrome and split-tone images quickly and easily, with flexible control over tonal interpretation.• Chromatic aberration correction
Automatically analyze and remove complex lateral chromatic aberration prior to demosaicing, with outstanding results.• Color correction
Balance neutrals in a single click. Achieve consistent color with on-location lighting profiles.• Distortion correction
Fix keystoning and correct complex lens distortion.• Advanced demosaicing
For cameras with weak antialiasing filters, Photo Ninja can reduce maze artifacts and moire patterns.• Point-and-go browser
Navigate through your image collection quickly and easily with Photo Ninja's streamlined, integrated browser.Photo Ninja change log V1.2.1
- Support for Fujifilm X-E2, XQ1, X-A1
- Support for Panasonic DMC-LF1, DMC-GX7
- For X-Trans cameras, fix save/load of CA correction in XMP
- Fix bug preventing update of resolution metadata when rendering JPEG from Fuji RAF
- Attempt more graceful recovery if an incompatible display profile encountered
- Better utilization of EXIF LensModel field to identify lenses for some X-Trans and other cameras
- Update color matrices for Hasselblad H40, H40-50, Fujifilm X-M1
- PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.2.1 Final for x86 Full Patch - (11MB)
- PictureCode Photo Ninja 1.2.1 Final for x64 Full Patch - (14MB)
1. Unrar
2. Install
3. Copy Patch ke direktori instalasi programnya
4. Run Patch (run as administrator) > Click Patch
5. Enjoy