
CoffeCup Web Form Builder 1.2 and 8.2 Full Version Activated

The web is all about interaction, and web forms are an essential part of that—but no one wants to code them! Web Form Builder does the dirty work for you while you wield your imagination at the helm of its innate drag-and-drop interface. Create forms in minutes with complete control, then publish to the web without having to configure anything but your CoffeeCup account.

Dream it Up, Drag it In.

The form you’ve been dreaming of can be whipped up in seconds. Drag input fields and other form elements where you want them, then adjust text, labels, and options to your liking. Voila, your new web form has been born!
For registration forms, order forms, surveys, invitations, applications, contact requests, subscriptions, and anything else you can imagine, you can tackle the unlimited possibilities as often as you want.

Designed by Pros.

Ready to spice up your form’s style? Pick a design from the Theme Browser to apply it directly to your form, and choose another one at any time if you change your mind. You can always download more themes if you don’t quite see the one that fits your style.
Make all the changes you want to your form’s elements, from label alignment to font sizes and colors. Web Form Builder neatly arranges all your fields so they look like a pro custom-designed your form for you—sweet!

Form Design Made Easy

Flawless rendering on any device that uses HTML, including iPhones and iPads.
Swap out your form theme on the fly — try on a couple for the perfect fit.
Add friendly hints and placeholders, making your forms easier and friendlier to fill out.
Forms are Section 508 accessibility compliant. (Trust us, this is a good thing.)
Set a default value for certain fields. They’ll be submitted if the visitor doesn’t change them.
Drag-and-drop your form elements to rearrange them.
Utilize autofocus fields. (Give your visitors a starting point.)
W3C-valid HTML 5, CSS 3, even graceful degradation—more awesome than it sounds!
Set the positioning of your field labels across your form.
Define the font family, size, and color for your form, then (optionally) customize them for each label.
Use multiple columns together with the sweet “Spacer” Magic element to fit lots of fields on one page (oh, the possibilities…)
Customize Page, Header, and Footer background images and colors.
Customize the stylesheet for maximum control. (You’ll be able to import your changes soon.)
Add images and icons for an ultra-snazzy design.
Take advantage of multi-page forms (because mega-forms sometimes need to be split up into chunks).

Yeah, You Can Build That, Too

Complex forms are a cinch to create and design.
Mark fields as "Required" and show appropriate warning messages if necessary.
Automatically validate user input by field type (and get more reliable data).
Automatically verify user input for email and password fields. (Type it twice to eliminate errors.)
Define value ranges and interval steps for number fields.
Use a stylish calendar for picking dates and choose from a wide range of calendar date formats.
Use hidden fields (for your eyes only).
Use magic fields: Pre-configured field combinations you’ll love!
Multiple files can be uploaded at once.
Full UTF-8 support: Use practically any language in your form.
One-click captcha support with reCAPTCHA to protect your form against spam.
Control the width and padding for each individual field element.
Control the submit button position and use custom button images.
Add a link to your logo and form images.

Publication and Sharing

One-click form publishing to SDrive.
Use a unique URL to easily share/link a full-page form.
Easily embed your form in your website, blog, shop—wherever you want it!
Fully customize your form embeds. (Tweak whatever you like—it’s totally up to you.)

Baby’s got back-end

Get a comprehensive overview of all your forms using S Drive
Use automated form processing. Get results without touching a friggin’ database.
Use your own PHP server but have your hosting provider upgrade it to PHP 5.1, alright?
Support for PHP SMTP Authentication. (Use your own SMTP mail server, if you’re into that.)
Send your customer a fully customizable email upon form submission. You can include data they entered in the message, too.
Supply a custom “From” address for auto-response messages.
Redirect your visitor to a specific URL after form submission.
Show your visitors or customer a custom message after submission.
Be notified by email every time a form is submitted.
Log your form results to a MySQL database, CSV file (comma separated values), or both!
Easily download form results as a text file.

Automatic Form Statistics

Get an instant overview of form stats, including conversion rates.
Automatically store and report on form results — sweet!
See how many people looked at your form.
Track how many people started filling out your form.
See the number of submissions for every form, in one single view!
IP address and submission timestamp are automatically added to the form results.

3rd Party Integrations

Integration with payment providers like Paypal, Google Checkout, Authorize.net, and Worldpay.
Integration with other 3rd party services like Mailchimp, Facebook, and others.
