
RoboForm Dekstop Enterprise + Patch

Manage Password temen-temen !!!
RoboForm ini merupakan sebuah software yang dimana bisa kita gunakan untuk mengatur dan menyimpan password-password kita.
Khususnya password-password saat kita log-in di situs-situs internet seperti facebook,twitter,e-mail dll. Pasti serem juga kan kalo lupa? hheheheh
Selain itu pada RoboForm juga
terdapat menu Safe Notes, jadi kita bisa mencatat sesuatu dikala dibutuhkan. Lalu juga ada menu contacts, yang kita bisa mengisi kontak-kontak kolega kita. Masih banyak lagi deh temen-temen. Dicobaa ajaa..


A client-based alternative to Single Sign-On (SSO), RoboForm Enterprise delivers fast, simplified password management, solving the growing password inflation problem for your organization at a fraction of the cost of traditional SSO.
  • Increased Employee Productivity & Satisfaction with a Single, Secure Login to All Applications
    Automatically logs employees into their myriad applications (web based and Win32 based applications ).
  • Immediate Results with Fast, Straightforward Roll-out
    Requires no integration or infrastructure changes, and can be deployed in minutes!
  • Cost-Effective with Rapid ROI
    Saves your organization money with a low price point and instant IT help desk savings.
  • Easily share and deploy credentials securely
    Using Dual Master Password functionality, users will have abilty to use credentials without knowing your organization's secure passwords
  • Powerful Integration into your business needs
    Form Filling feature can be linked to your organization's existing database
  • RoboForm Enterprise Managed Console
    Easily distribute Passcards, Safenotes, and Identities between Users
  • Compatible with Citrix and other virtual environments
    RoboForm Enterprise has been deployed in XenApps, XenDesktop, Terminal Services, and other desktop virtualization / cloud computing environments.

System Requirements:

Download :

Installer + Patch :
Download RoboForm Dekstop Enterprise + Patch Via MF (12 MB)
Harus Diketik

Patch Only :
Download Patch RoboForm Dekstop Enterprise Via MF (135 KB)

Tested by me (Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit) Worked
Posted by Admin Okky
